Friday 29 February 2008

Populist fears made in PP

Rajoy has lost the battle of ideas during these last four years because he never accepted his defeat in 2004. He has spent four years blaming others of his own failures and hasn't done a critical self-evaluation of what made him lose the election then.

The campaign arrived and he found himself rethorically empty, only attacks no proposals. But then he found the issue that conservatives across Europe like most, immigration. For a country like Spain where its population emmigrated in the mid 1900s and that now receives immigration, this is a dangerous development. El Pais newspaper today has published an article showing that 2 out of 3 Spanish kids are today looked after by foreign babysitters and Consumer magazine that 90% of carers for the elderly and other dependent people in Spain are also immigrants. How could our country cope without those people? People that accept lower salaries to do jobs Spaniards don't want to do anymore, long hours, sometimes even sacrificing their own families' welfare to produce a living wage.

Rajoy should know he's playing with fire when appealing to the emotional side of the electorate. And I ask myself, is it really worth it to incite hatred and fear to win an election? And more importantly is he willing to sacrifice Spanish values and our democratic consensus that took us so long to achieve for personal gain?

Zapatero must win to let the Spanish right know that there are certain values dearly hold by the Spanish people that cannot ever be put into question. Our democratic system and our image as a welcoming society are at stake on March 9. You've been warned.

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