Thursday 20 December 2007

Rajoy praises Aznar's archenemy.

Rajoy has praised Felipe Gonzalez, Spanish Socialist President from 1982 to 1996, as a man who has good ideas for Europe. He has welcomed Gonzalez candidacy as chairman of the new group of experts to look into the future of the EU.

And I wonder... why wasn't Aznar considered for this post? It was Nicolas Sarkozy, the French right-wing President, who proposed Gonzalez for the post. Why didn't he proposed Aznar? I'll tell you why, because no European right-wing leader would even dare having a photo-op taken with Aznar. He has become the toxic neo-con kind of leader. Rajoy would have loved to have Aznar rather than Gonzalez, but seeing that it was almost impossible for it to happen, well...he though he might as well praise Gonzalez's election as 'an honour for Spain'. I would say, cut it short Mariano and say it as it is, PSOE today is the only well respected Spanish party in Europe, both within the left and the right ideological spectrum.

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