Monday 3 December 2007

Rajoy and ETA.

I wonder if anyone in PP today is feeling proud of the monster they have created in relation with the Government, ETA and their elecotral patriotism.
Yesterday during the funeral for the policeman killed by ETA in the weekend, Zapatero and several ministers from the Government were verbally abused by people present at the funeral. The insults got to levels never seen before. One could feel the bitterness in the people shouting them. Many police officers present felt angry at this display of intolerance as well as disrespect to the family of Raul Centeno.
Today during an act in front of the Madrid townhall, Pedro Zerolo, a PSOE councillor and gay rights activist was the victim of homophobic insults and had to be protected to avoid the situation worsening. The slogans against the PSOE government and Zapatero kept going even during the one minute of silence requested to honour the death of Raul Centeno.

And I really wonder, is Mariano Rajoy proud of this situation? Is he proud that he has blown to pieces years and years of unbreakeable democratic unity agaisnt ETA's terror for a handful of votes in March. He has accused Zapatero and the Government publicly of the most outrageous claims, from betraying the victims to lies about giving Navarra away to the terrorists. He has encouraged and allowed the extreme right to monopolise the debate on ETA and accuse the Government of the most outrageous acts.

Is Rajoy going to manipulate information and give up democratic unity in this country at any cost? If he would be President how can we trust he will protect all of us if he is able to let the extreme right do what it pleases, and justify their acts in light of Government actions? We have seen him speaking of his patriotism and love for Spain. All I can see today is a country divided over one of the few issues that has always united every democrat in Spain, total opposition to ETA's terror and full support to the Government's actions. Any government Mr. Rajoy, any, because patriotism is about caring for your country more than caring to win an election at any cost. Hope he could understand.

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