Monday 24 December 2007

It's transport investment, stupid!

New high speed lines are connecting Malaga, Cordoba, Valladolid and Segovia to Madrid since the beginning of this week.

Zapatero and Magdalena Alvarez, Minister for transport, inagurated the first 300 km per hour train this week.

With this new investment Spain is well on its way to becoming by 2010 the country in Europe with more km. of high speed lines, as promised by Zapatero in his electoral manifesto of 2004.

I personally feel extremely proud of this achievement of the PSOE Government. It's good for the economy, it's good for the environment and it puts Spain on the frontline of transport innovation in the world. This is exactly what a Socialist government should do, to show right-wing politicians and polluters how environmental protection can go hand on hand, and even improve, with economic growth. Today is a good day to be a Socialist in Spain.

In the meantime I am getting ready for the new line to Murcia, which unfortunately our regional PP government is blocking, god knows why! Actually I know why, because they can't bear seeing PSOE doing good things for Murcia, while Aznar did none, and are trying to fool the local population to vote for them on empty promises. All they care about is perpetuating their power grip and filling their pockets at the expense of the hard working people of Murcia.

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