Thursday 3 January 2008

The Church enters the campaign.

On Sunday the governing hierarchy of the Spanish Catholic Church organised a mass rally in Madrid to denounce certain liberal policies promulgated by the Zapatero Government in the last four years.

Bishops from across Spain denounced the new divorce law, gay marriages and the new education plan as well as the 1985 abortion legislation.

Such display of moralistic righteousness and social intolerance is common among the Catholic hierarchy in Spain. But this time around their claims went even further and entered the very political. They denounced the rolling back of Human Rights and the possible dissolution of democracy because of these laws and openly attacked the Zapatero Government.

This is the last step taken by PP and his right-wing apparatus to poison even further the political situation in the country. Couple of months ago I wrote in this blog that PSOE wasn't planning to present in his electoral manifesto any issues that could be seen by the Catholic hierarchy as a head on attack on them. I called for PSOE to rethink their position, and I think the bishops' show on Sunday proves my argument right. The Spanish Catholic Church is certainly one of the most conservative and anachronistic ones that exist today. Having openly supported the Francoist dictatorship, they still enjoy fiscal and legal benefits unknown anywhere else. Today I ask myself why should my taxes be paying this church to spread hatred and intolerance as well as openly oppose my political believes? A revision of the State-Church agreements must now be undertaken and it's the Catholic Church that has forced such revision. Their faith is in decline not because of a Socialist Government but because of their fundamentalist views on social issues that Spaniards dealt morally with a long time ago.

Furthermore, I second Jose Blanco's, PSOE's secretary of organisation, demand that if PP is in full agreement with the Catholic hiearchy that they present in their electoral manifesto a promise to derogate the following laws, denounced by the bishops: gay marriage and adoption, equality, abortion and education. I can assure you they won't do it, because they know the Spanish public in general supports them. They let the Catholic Church do the dirty job for them, if that it isn't cowardice you let me know a better definition for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that PSOE has to hold an attitude of no response against the provocations of the Catholic Hyerarchie. But the future Government of PSOE, if they win elections, must take note of this provocation and to act against the economic power of bishops as soon as possible, without public declarations.