After Rosa Diez graciously hanged around with Rita Barbera, the infamous PP Mayor of Valencia, during the regional festivities, do we need any more prove that Diez and her new party are nothing more than a puppet for PP?
Let images speak for themselves. Barbera known for her staunch partisanship would never have invited anyone from PSOE to attend her populist rallies around Valencia capital. Diez has shown her true colours now and nothing she says can change her image or that of UPyD.
I'd like to know what Fernando Savater has to say about this picture though, as he always claims their new party is leftwing to the core, don't think Barbera would be his favourite companion...
"do we need any more prove that Diez and her new party are nothing more than a puppet for PP?"
I'd say so. Otherwise it's you who show simplistic partisanship, by suggesting that mere smiles in a party prove close political links.
Thanks for your comment, please see the post after this one for further evidence. Regards, MLA
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