We are three days away from election day. No polls allowed anymore, the campaign finishes tomorrow as Saturday will be left by law for citizens to think and make up their minds for the Sunday vote. Having said that electoral laws obviously don't apply in Andorra where today El Periodic newspaper has published a poll that puts the Socialists 3.4 points ahead of PP. Frankly, the poll argues that PSOE lost some votes after the second debate and that participation is expected now around 64%, I find those facts hard to believe. The poll was conducted only with 600 phone interviews which doesn't seem very thorough. Also all final polls in Spain have given PSOE and advantage of around 5-6 points so would doubt a 900 interview poll would give a more accurate picture, still it's good to remind us that we have three days to mobilise leftwing voters and get out the vote.
Socialist activists need to go out there for a final push to win big on Sunday, leftwing voters have to go vote, we need a high turnout to win and let the right know promoting abstention without providing proposals for the country doesn't work in Spain.
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