Spanish political parties have fired the first shot for one of the most crucial political campaigns in the short democratic history of Spain. In March 2008 Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero will seek reelection as President of Spain. In front of him will be Mariano Rajoy, the conservative candidate from Partido Popular (PP).
The 2004-08 legislative term has been marked by the outrageous aggresivity displayed by PP both in Parliament and the streets. PP together with the right-wing media have been deceiving the Spanish people through their campaing of misinformation in a vast array of issues. The levels of social upheaval has gone to unprecedent levels, it is time to let PP know that the social, institutional and economic improvements made by the Socialist administration are here to stay.
This blog aims at helping any person out there who wishes to follow the electoral season closely to do so. I will be commenting on all developments, not all political unfortunately, that could influence the campaign and electoral outcome in March.
I hope you find the information and comments here worth a read. All comments welcomed!
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