So it is now official, PP has ran out of ideas. First was the unworkable lowering of taxes while offering free nursery school to all families. Then was their campaign material quality, as old as it gets while letting Zapatero take the initiative in e-campaigning in Facebook and YouTube. But the last and biggest cock up by PP's Communication Team came yesterday, when IU put out a press release denouncing PP's new campaign slogan as being almost identical to theirs!!.
To be fair it wasn't very difficult to guess it. When Joe Biden in 1987 used a speech by Neil Kinnock, he was smart enough to change the wording but kept the message.
PP's Communication Team are either not that smart or are completely out of ideas, not that they have been putting out many legislative initiatives in the last four years anyways. They were not even very subtle either, they took the IU slogan from the March 2007 local election campaign, just seven months old.
I am not in the business of helping out Rajoy and the PP leadership, but just for is it Gabriel Elorriaga, PP's Director of Communications is still keeping his job after having lost the 2004 general and European elections and the 2007 local elections and now this?? But don't get me wrong if they like him I won't be the one asking for his resignation.
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